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A word with… Michael Crampton – Admin Manager

A word with...

A word with Michael Crampton

When did you start at EMCS and what was your fist job role within the business?

July 1994. Many moons ago & fewer grey hairs I started as an Office Junior & was responsible for all the Redcare order processing that had to be done by hand and then posted to BT. I then moved into the control room & also progressed into the sales department before coming back to the admin department as a supervisor & then a Manager.

What are your day-to-day responsibilities? 

Day to day management of 9 Administrators & 1 Supervisor. We have multiple ordering deadlines that we need to ensure are met so that the installers receive the service from us that they have come to expect. I am also responsible for managing the Control Room rota which has approximately 90 Operators & Call Handlers to ensure that the staffing levels are appropriate for the amount of alarm & VSS traffic we receive.

How many administration edits do you and your team complete per week?

We receive approximately 1800 emails and 700 phone calls a week. On top of this, we are also responsible for the data input of any bulk transfer data.

What can EMCS customers expect from yourself and your team?

I’d like to think that any customers contacting us via any means would receive a pleasant conversation while still maintaining a level of professionalism. We may be the largest independent ARC in the UK but we still try to maintain the Family orientated ethos that has served the company so well. The admin team are very knowledgeable regarding all our products and are continually learning about new products and services that we provide. Apart from myself being at EMCS for almost 30 years, our longest serving administrator has been here for over 13 years. I like to think that we must be doing something right.